The Cisco Certification Exam module 1-3 will be the first of three exams required for Cisco Certified Network Engineers (CCNA) Cisco Certified Network Manager (CCND) status. The three tests are:

This exam has three main components and all three must be completed in order to successfully pass and earn your CCNA certifications. The three components are the Traffic Understanding Test (TUT), written exam, and lab tests. Cisco provides study guides and resources to help students achieve successful completion of this exam. The Cisco experts at Cisco Technology Education Services (CTES) help students to prepare for Cisco exam modules by providing mock testing and practice exams.

TUT is a two hour written exam that is intended to test your Cisco knowledge. It is ideal to have a good understanding of the basic networking principals. The written exam helps you to understand and troubleshoot common errors in networking. For this test, you will need to login to the Exam Center using your login id and password. You will receive a confirmation email when you have passed the Cisco exam.

The written exam consists of three modules. These are written examination, one-way testing, and impersonation testing. You will need to demonstrate your knowledge in the following areas before passing the exam.

Networking Fundamentals, or the Fundamentals of Networking, is the first part of the exam module. You will need to demonstrate your basic knowledge of network routing and security. You will be evaluated on your basic knowledge of routing protocols, switching technologies, security considerations, and security management. The remaining topics in this section of the exam are categorized as vendor-independent and vendor-specific.

Cisco CCNA Exam Module 1-3 covers three topics. In this section, you will need to demonstrate your understanding of each of these topics. You will need to demonstrate your ability to configure and troubleshoot VPNs, VLANs, wireless security and WANs. You will also need to describe how you verify and troubleshoot security information and passwords.

In Cisco CCNA Exam Module 1-3, you are also expected to understand and troubleshoot some important terms and lingo used in networking. You will need to know and memorize the various types of switches, like layer 2 switches and branch circuits, local area network (LAN), wireless networks, bridged network, and virtual private network (VPN). You will have to describe your use of WANs and how to configure them.

The third topic that you are required to study for and successfully pass is the current CCNA Exam topic, Verification of Wireless Compliance. You must be able to explain why it is important to verify that a site is using the proper encryption standards and how to verify that security is done. You will need to describe the different methods of measurement of network security. For the written portion of the exam test, you will simply have to apply the previously learned material, but for the listening and speaking portion of the exam test, you will need to listen and speak at least thirty seconds for each topic listed above, plus an additional fifteen minutes for review.

Achieving success in Cisco CCNA Exam Module 1-3 requires diligence and perseverance. The three topics discussed above are difficult to understand at first, so you will need to make sure you have plenty of study materials or a personal instructor to guide you through each section. Furthermore, you should be prepared for unexpected questions from the exam test. As long as you prepare ahead, answering the three Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Exam topics in your allotted time will insure you in passing the exam and becoming a CCNA Certified Engineer!

In order to understand and memorize all the information and topics taught in Cisco CCNA Exam Module 1-3, you should be taking practice exams and reviewing previously learned material until you feel confident that you have to grasp everything necessary to pass the exam. To ensure that you have the right amount of study materials, review and practice all three topics in Module 1-3. These three topics are Wireless security, routing, and integrated access and network services. Wireless security is one of the most important concepts you must grasp because it covers the installation of wireless networks. Therefore, Cisco CCNA Exam Module 1-3 must be taken before you even consider installing a basic network with the use of a router or switch.

For your examination, you will be required to demonstrate the ability to configure and secure a basic router. The router part of the exam can be quite challenging because you must configure an access point, include encryption, and configure port forwarding. After this, you will need to configure security features such as firewall and anti-virus. Remember that all of these tasks require you to use port forwarding and you will need to be familiar with its features before moving on to the next part. The last topic, integrated access and network services, require you to connect to a VPN or virtual private network. You will be able to do this after you have completed configuring a router.

The three topics listed above are only the basic ones of Cisco training. However, there are other topics you must know and understand before moving on to the final examination. There is no way around it. The exam contains several topics, which are given sequentially so you must be able to grasp them all if you want to pass. If you have enough time, then you should make sure to review all three topics for maximum benefit from the exam.