So, what is the best way to go about getting your Cisco Certification? The first step is to do your research. You need to make sure that the school you choose has been accredited by one of the largest Cisco community. Many schools don’t take the time to make sure they are accredited and your Cisco training can become worthless. Once you have researched a school, you can talk to current students and find out how they got their certification and how it helped them get their jobs.
If you are trying to find a school to get started with, you will want to do some background checking on the school. Find out what the student body is like and how many of them went on to become successful Cisco Engineers. You also want to find out the ratio of students to faculty. Try to find out what types of jobs the students who went to that school are most likely going to get.
Once you have done your research, you will be able to decide where you want to get your Cisco Certification. This is actually an extremely important step. Many people try to do it in the wrong place. Instead of getting their Cisco Certification from Cisco University, they try to get it from an ITT or other non-Cisco school. The problem with this is that those schools are not certified by Cisco and therefore, won’t give you the highest quality job. So, instead of going to them, try to get your CIs from good real world schools.
Once you have picked out a school, then you need to start studying. Read everything you can get your hands on about the subject. There is no better way to learn than by hands on, so spend the time studying. When you finish your studies, you should have a very solid foundation of information.
Once you have finished all the coursework and learned the material, it’s time to apply. Apply for any jobs you can find that are related to the job field you just went to. Don’t worry if you have a Cisco Certification. Just make sure that your resume and application to highlight that fact.
If you need to get started as an IT Consultant, one of your first places to check out is Recruitingmenot, which is located in San Francisco. Here, you will have access to some of the top names in the business world. If they don’t have the position that you are looking for, you can always send out a request for informational interviews.
If you still aren’t satisfied with your resume or your interview answers, then you have two more chances to ask for a change. Go in to a round table meeting with the head of the company that you are working for. Let them know what you are doing and why it is important. Be sure to tell them that you would like to work with them again. This could be your chance to get hired with a Cisco Certification.
Now that you have a new employer and you have an informational interview (for Cisco UCS) scheduled, you should go over everything with your boss. Make sure that you thoroughly understand everything on your application and your resume. The last thing you want to do is to pass up an opportunity to move forward because you didn’t read your paperwork correctly. Now you must wait until it’s time to take your exam.
Before you go out and take the CCNA Exam, you should create a study plan. Make sure that you do not study until you have an idea of how much time you have to devote to studying. Find an appropriate study partner as well. Many students end up putting their books aside and failing their exams because they are using the wrong study partner. You need to be comfortable while studying. Some people may have friends that help them to study, but it might be better if you have a friend who is right there beside you, just in case something goes wrong.
When you finally sit down to take the CCNA Exam, you must be prepared to spend many hours of studying. Most people get nervous when faced with multiple questions on a single CCNA Exam and this is normal. The more you study, the more comfortable you will become and the better you will get at handling multiple questions at once. When this happens, you will be able to pass your Cisco UCS with flying colors.